Deepening your Skills through on Demand video training
Our training videos demonstrate Transformative Couples Therapy® as practiced and taught by David Mars Ph.D., the developer of the method. The clinical videos of couples’ journeys through time make it clear how we can facilitate transformative change. Some videos were recorded at seminars where the theory and practice of TCT is taught along with clinical video of sessions, plus with the couple members on stage in front of the audience of therapists. The interaction results in a Community Healing Workshop, in which the skillful witnessing from therapists in the audience creates a healing experience for the couple of being safely seen, heard, felt and known.
Individual videos are available for a 30 day rental period for $30, or three part videos for 90 days for $75
Due to the sensitive nature of clinical recordings featured in the training video library, only excerpts are viewable further down this page.
Access to the full-length videos are available upon request directly to Dr. David Mars. If you interested in training Videos on Demand, first fill out the confidentiality commitment form by clicking on the box below:
Then send an email to and describe which training video(s) you would like to study. If you want to discuss your options, schedule here.
We hope you enjoy your learning process!
David Mars Ph.D.
Director of Transformative Couples Therapy® Institute